Monday, October 5, 2009

Faster Computer:Ways to improve computer's performance

to improve computer performance follow following tasks this will deffinately help you..

1)Manage startup programs:
Some programs start themselves automatically when you start Windows. Too many of these programs opening at the same time can slow down computer.
To disable these programs from startup and improve performance, use Windows Defender. For more information.

2)Adjust Visual Effects:
You can optimize performance by changing how menus and windows appear.

3)Adujust Indexing options:
Indexing options can help you find what you're looking for quickly and easily on your computer.
You can search more efficiently by narrowing your search to focus on those files and folders that you commonly use. For more information

4)Adjust Power Setting:
Change power-related settings so that your computer resumes from power-saving settings more efficiently, and adjust battery usage for portable computers.

5)Regular Disk Cleanup:
This tool deletes unnecessary or temporary files on your hard disk so you can increase the amount of storage space you have.


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