Sunday, July 18, 2010

"black screen apppear at the start up"?

How to solve problem of "black screen apppear at the start up"?

sometimes after starting your computer desktop is not seen only black screen is seen to us. this problem is happen due to viral attack.actually the "exlporer.exe" process is not running at the time of startup."explorer.exe" is very nessessory proceess which is required for start your desktop screen the main cause of this problem is explorer.exe process is not run at start up. to solve this problem one way is to scan your whole computer then see what happens. after whole scan still problem is not solve. then another option is open your computer in safe mode with command prompt and give password authentification.finally you get command prompt on your desktop then type explorer.exe command in the command prompt. you will definately get desired output.but by using this way you only works in safe solve this problem in regular startup you have to follow the steps given below. the easy way to solve this problem is when black screen appear at startup

press 'Alt+ctrl+delete" then task manager window is open.

click on file option in given tab.

then click on New Task (run).

after that new window is open in that window type "explorer.exe".

press ok button then automatically your desktop is working.

if you dont get any output then finnal solution is format your whole computer.


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